Saturday, August 17, 2013

Simple Chinese Fried Rice

Ingredients :

  1. Capsicum
  2. Carrot
  3. Yard Long Beans (Barbati in telugu)
  4. Salt
  5. Garlic cloves
  6. Pepper Powder
  7. Boiled Rice
  8. Ajinomoto
  9. Soy sauce
  10. Oil

Preparation method :

  • Firstly chop the vegetables very fine including garlic.
  • Boil the rice such that the grains are a bit harder. Or you can use the rice cooled in a fridge so that they become stiff and dont become like paste when stirring on flame.
  • Add a tsp of oil to a fry pan, add the chopped garlic first, then capsicum and carrot. Fry for a minute.
  • Now add salt to taste, a pinch of ajinomoto, and now add boiled rice.
  • Mix well, now add pepper powder and two table spoons of soy sauce.
  • I would suggest you keep tasting and adding the required amount of salt, pepper etc., 
  • Thats it.. Your fried rice is ready.

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