Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pudina Chutney

This is again something that can be made very fast and with less effort. It can be eaten with rotis, with fried chicken, fried potato etc.,

Ingredients :

  1. Onion -1
  2. Green Chillies-2
  3. Coriander leaves-1 cup
  4. mint leaves-1 cup
  5. Roasted cumin seeds-1 tsp
  6. Lemon-1/2 piece
  7. Salt- to taste
  8. Curd - 1cup

Preparation method :

  • Grid coarsely onion,chillies,coriander,mint leaves, cumin seeds, lemon juice and salt.
  • Now add curd and grind till it becomes a smooth paste.
  • Thats it.. your tasty pudina chutney is ready.

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